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Wedding with a view

Wedding with a view

Wedding with a view. Why not?

Wedding on Vista’s pier with a charming view, surrounded by water and nature. Just for you. Sounds dreamy? It is. And we are here to make your dreams come true.

You can breathe your fateful YES on the viewing platform or the pier of the park with a view.

When the weather is nice, you will have a lake paradise as a backdrop for wedding photos, and at the end of the day, you and your guests will be thrilled by the romantic sunset.

We are here to make your dreams come true…


Šaleška Valley Tourist Board

Vila Bianca – Stari trg 3

T: 03 896 17 15


How to get to park Vista?

Vista viewing platform

Vista viewing platform

Climb 14 meters to the viewing platform and enjoy the view all the way across Lake Velenje to the slopes of Peca and Paški Kozjak. On the other hand, do not overlook the views of Velenje and the settlements scattered throughout the hilly surroundings.
More Puščica povezave

Do not miss this

Holiday break for the family
Holiday break for the family

Holiday break

Combine the splashing around in pools with exciting learning opportunities and adventures around Šaleška Valley.

Weekend with Pozoj the Dragon
Weekend with Pozoj the Dragon

A two-day stay for the entire family

Stay close to the lakes that have special stories to tell and surprise your little ones with pleasant strolls.

The Dwarf’s school day
The Dwarf’s school day

A 3-hour hiking discovery for schoolchildren

In the Valley of Mills near Vinska Gora in Šaleška Valley, schoolchildren attending 4th grade and upward will experience unforgettable encounters with natural phenomena, plants, animals and traditional arts and crafts.

A wanderer’s tour for schoolchildren and their parents
A wanderer’s tour for schoolchildren and their parents

A four-day programme of guided tours where every day is a new adventure

Let Šaleška Valley be the destination of your family’s grand journey!

Pippi Longstocking’s walking ‘round town
Pippi Longstocking’s walking ‘round town

A family weekend during Pippi’s festival

Let your freckles show, make sure your stockings don’t match, and then it’s off to Velenje to take part in Pippi’s adventures!

Pozoj castle trail around Velenje
Pozoj castle trail around Velenje

For exploring the castles in Velenje we recomend you the Pozoj dragon circular trail around Velenje.

