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Villa Mayer

Villa Mayer, a building of the Municipality of Šoštanj, is a typical example of the bourgeois architecture of late historicism. It was built around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It was built by lawyer dr. Fran Mayer, who served as mayor of Šoštanj between the wars. The Municipality of Šoštanj has owned the villa since 2002 when it was renovated in 2009 and permanent collections of cultural heritage were established in the public domain.

The villa is also a protocol building of the Šoštanj Municipality. The villa’s salon is decorated in a bourgeois style and is available for weddings and repeat ceremonies on wedding anniversaries. Since 2006, the villa and garden have been designated as a cultural monument of local significance (ED 16635). On the ground floor of Villa Mayer, there is an information point where you can also obtain a BICY card. To obtain a BICY card, you must present an identity document as well as the document from which the tax number is derived.

The sculptural collection of Ivan Napotnik, the ethnographic collection of Zvone A. Čebul, the horticultural collection of master gardener Alojz Kojec, the Mayer family memorial room, and the Napotnik Gallery are all part of the collection.


  • Tuesday to Friday: 10 am to 4 pm
  • closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays
  • outside of normal business hours, by appointment

Kajuhova cesta 10
SI – 3325 Šoštanj
T: 03 898 44 27

V vili so na ogled zbirke:

  • kiparska zbirka Ivana Napotnika,
  • domoznanska zbirka Zvoneta A. Čebula,
  • hortikulturna zbirka vrtnarskega mojstra Alojza Kojca,
  • spominska soba družine Mayer,
  • Napotnikova galerija.
