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Veliki vrh – Mali vrh – Ložnica – Kavče

Velenje, Staro Velenje, Kavče, Veliki vrh, Hudi potok

Start on the cycling lane leading past Villa Bianca under restoration (image A) to Staro Velenje (image C) and at the junction for Velenje Castle next to the private clinic turn right in the direction of Zabrdo – Podkraj, cross the Veriželj stream, go past the hayrack and left (image B), where the road starts climbing. At the marked junction, turn right in the direction of Veliki vrh, then descend to Vina Šmartno (wine merchants). Then take a sharp right 100 m before the railway and head straight to Mali vrh and then to Hudi potok at the foot of Gora (mount) Oljka. Afterwards, pedal towards Podkraj, at the signposted crossroads turn right in the direction of Lovče – Andraž and on to Podkraj, then turn right at the chapel to continue towards Ložnica (image D) and Kavče, and finally to Staro Velenje and your point of departure. A total of 450 m of unpaved roads.

Length of the trail: 32 km
Total climbs: 850 m
Total descents: 850 m

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