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The Kavčnik’s Homestead

The family Kavčnik home, set in the small hamlet of Zavodnje nad Šoštanjem, is a precious monument to the Slovene rustic residential culture and an example of a smokehouse located in the most Southern corner of the Alpine region. On the territory of Slovenia, smokehouses were widespread over the period from the 11th to the 18th century. As fires were a common occurrence in smokehouses (even those run by the authorities), they were gradually replaced by open fire kitchens.

The building was constructed in the 17th century first by the construction of a smokehouse as the only room. Only later additional rooms were constructed. The cellar and the stable as well as the smokehouse are made of brick and stone, while the rest of the building is wooden. The roof is covered by shringle. Its last inhabitant was an enthusiastic herbalist and there is to date a garden full of wonderful and healing herbs next to the house. The home was occupied until 1981. Even today all the original furniture has been preserved and due to its clever arrangement, it gives the impression that the home is still inhabited.

– by agreement

Zavodnje 43
SI – 3325 Šoštanj

Museum Velenje
T: +386 3 898 26 30
