Metal HeART infront of Culture hall
»Metal heart« on the meadow by the velenje culture centre 30/07/5/08/2023, 9. 00-13. 00 at the time when the Velenje lake will be full of metal music, you are invited to an “artistic chill” in the centre of the city. Calm your heart rate in a relaxed and shady setting on the lawn of the House of Culture and make the most of your holiday days with fun accompanying activities.
Every day you can try something new – catch a beat in the drumming workshop, play the big four in a row, find the poet in you in the black out poetry workshop, learn a new circus trick or pour your soul out on a canvas.
sunday, 30 July 2023, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Recycle!
Discover the beauty of recycling by reviving old fabrics, waste wood, discarded plastic packaging – turn them into products you can reuse!
monday 31 July 2023, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m
newspaper word hunt darkened poetry workshop find the poet in you! a creative workshop for young and old invites you to go on a word hunt. find the right words in random text and create a song for yourself, a friend or someone special.
torek, 1. 8. 2023, od 9. do 13. ure
baby metalday Tuesday’s games during the metal festival will be spent accordingly! we’ll learn about and try out the electric guitar and bass, try to catch a real “metal” rhythm in the drumming workshop, draw a “heavy” tattoo and make our own instrument in the creative workshop. on this day, the event will also take place between 17:00 and 19:00.
wednesday, 2 August 2023, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m
a shading workshop with skilful interlacing to create unique lights and candle holders! with a little effort, your light will be beautiful during the day, and when night falls, turning on the lights will create a special combination of light and shadows on our walls.
četrtek, 3. 8. 2023, od 9. do 13. ure
rain sticks Make a special musical instrument that can give you a refreshing treat on a sunny day by making the sound of raindrops.
friday, 4 August 2023, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m
circus workshop welcome to the circus! join a group of entertaining circus masters and try your hand at balance, juggling, “twisting” poi and performing simple acrobatics.
saturday, 5 August 2023, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m
impro art corner Free yourself from the brakes and let your creative imagination run wild! the joy of creating a completely your own art product with different art materials is guaranteed!